

Commercial Bank - Art Competition Sri lanka 2021 - English Detail - Closing Date 2021.11.10

 Dear Children,

You are the next generation of world-renowned artists, and we want to give you a chance to express your thoughts in a drawing. The Commercial Bank Arunalu Siththam Children’s Art competition is ready to award prizes to the best drawings that you create.

Competition categories and age limits

  1. Pre-school category - Age 04-05 years - (Years of birth 2018/2019)
  2. Primary category - Age 06-07 years - (Years of birth 2016/2017)
  3. Post primary category - Age 08-10 years - (Years of birth 2013/2014/2015)
  4. Junior category - Age 11-13 years - (Years of birth 2010/2011/2012)
  5. Senior category - Age 14-16 years - (Years of birth 2007/2008/2009)

The competition is open for all children who belong to the above mentioned age categories.

Theme and size of paper to be used for drawings



Size of paper


A Subject of preference



A Subject of preference


Post Primary

A Subject of preference



Our lifestyle

14 in x 18 in


Gifts of nature

14 in x 18 in

How to enter

To enter this competition, visit www.arunalusiththam.lk between 1st of August 2023 and the 15th of September 2023,  and upload a scanned copy of your completed drawing along with the relevant details. The scanned drawing should be in JPEG format and should not exceed 5MB. The following details must be filled in the website - The full name of participant, date of birth, address, email address, telephone number (mobile), name of mother/father/guardian, school and its address.

Conditions of the competition

  1. One child can submit only one drawing.
  2. Any medium preferred can be used except for sticky, non-drying types of paints.
  3. Please note that if your entry is selected for the final round, the original drawing has to be sent to the Bank.
  4. Once the winners are announced, your original work should be certified by the Principal/Grama Niladhari/Lawyer/Justice of Peace and arrangements should be made to send it to us in accordance with the instructions that will be provided.
  5. Your drawing should be an original creation by you. It should not have been submitted to any other competition and you should not recreate it.
  6. The copyright of all drawing submitted for the competition will remain with Commercial Bank and will not be returned.
  7. Selecting winners and handing out of certificates will be decided by a veteran panel of judges and the decision of the panel of judges will be final.
  8. Children of members of the staff employed at Commercial Bank cannot participate in this competition.

Prizes and certificates

25 pieces of outstanding work will be selected from the Pre-school category. These will be awarded with prize money of Rs. 10,000/- each, along with certificates. Merit certificates will also be awarded to another 50 competitors. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners of all the other sections will receive Rs 100,000, Rs 75,000 and Rs 50,000, respectively, along with certificates. Another 25 awards of excellence with prizes of Rs 10,000/- each will be presented together with certificates, and 50 Merit certificates will also be awarded. 

All cash prizes will be credited to Arunalu Children’s Savings Accounts of Commercial Bank.

For further information call 0112 353 353

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